Motivation is a great tool to help us push through a tough workout, or stay committed to a training plan. But what happens when that initial ‘feeling’ of motivation that we had, begins to die out….
As much as you know you need to get up and get it done, you just can’t find the motivation to. So where do you go from here? The first thing you must begin to understand is that motivation is a feeling, and just like any other, it comes and goes.
How often we ‘feel’ motivated will vary from person to person, for a load of different reasons. But we can’t always wait for this feeling of motivation to come by, in order for us to be able to do the things we know we have to.
Some mornings you wake up and life is just great! You head out to work for the day, and in return, this provides you with a monetary wage that allows you to provide for yourself and in some cases for the rest of your family. But other days you wake up and going to work is the last thing you could possibly think of doing, but you still do it … Why?
Because you have a responsibility that depends on you being able to financially provide for yourself, your family, and for stability. Yet, despite the lack of motivation, the purpose behind why you go to work becomes the driving factor that makes you resilient enough to persist.
Here is where you begin to look at the reasons ‘Why’ you want to work out. For some of you it may be so that in years to come, you are healthy enough to do all the things you want to with your children and be a positive role model for them. For others, it may be that you have always wanted to prove to yourself that you can truly achieve something.
Once the reason(s) behind your ‘WHY’ becomes full of purpose, you no longer depend on that initial feeling of motivation. As a matter of fact, you know understand the importance of this workout, and how it will help to achieve the long term goal. It may not necessarily feel like one of your ‘best’ workouts, but remember the only ‘bad’ workout is the one that you didn’t do.
Acknowledge your feelings, but always understand you are more than just your feelings!
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